My next piece for the Labyrinth competition is up!
Sharp is about Maddy, a young woman who tries to escape her past by joining a convent (as you do). Another attempt at a YA. Vert Glace isn’t going so well at the moment with submissions to agents, which can be a super downer, but no more of one than, let’s say, trying to escape from doing the dirty work of your lords and ladies but watching the devastating impact of your actions unfold. So not as bad as Maddy.
I’ve got a lose idea floating around that started with a picture of lilies.
Me: “Lookie! Two colours.”
DJ: Oooh, pretty.
...And a teensy bit face-huggery.
Me: Pertiest face hugger on this side of the ‘verse, I tell ya.
DJ: Ooh damn right. You’ll die smilin’ with one o’these beauties on yer face.
Me: I don’t know what we’re trying to sell here... dodgy space death venders.
Sharp is about Maddy, a young woman who tries to escape her past by joining a convent (as you do). Another attempt at a YA. Vert Glace isn’t going so well at the moment with submissions to agents, which can be a super downer, but no more of one than, let’s say, trying to escape from doing the dirty work of your lords and ladies but watching the devastating impact of your actions unfold. So not as bad as Maddy.
I’ve got a lose idea floating around that started with a picture of lilies.
Me: “Lookie! Two colours.”
DJ: Oooh, pretty.
...And a teensy bit face-huggery.
Me: Pertiest face hugger on this side of the ‘verse, I tell ya.
DJ: Ooh damn right. You’ll die smilin’ with one o’these beauties on yer face.
Me: I don’t know what we’re trying to sell here... dodgy space death venders.